A Timely Purchase

Advantage Plan Features For Coverage Not Included In Traditional Medicare

Senior citizens must make key decisions when enrolling in the Medicare benefits program. The basic parts of the benefits package, A and B, do not cover several aspects for which many seniors want insurance. The primary examples are dental and vision coverage. Optional Medicare Advantage plans provide this coverage, although the entire premium then will be somewhat higher. These are also known as Part C. Advantage Enrollment The initial Medicare Advantage enrollment takes place in April through June after a person has enrolled in Parts A and B. Read More 

Insurance Basics For Almost-26-Year-Olds

If you are getting kicked off your parent's insurance soon, you may need a quick refresher course in health insurance basics. There is a lot to know, and if you are not prepared, you may end up spending way more on health insurance than you need to. Here are a few explanations of health insurance lingo that you may need. Keep in mind that every insurance agency offers different plans. You may need to shop around in order to get the best deal. Read More 

Important Qualities To Look For When Choosing Among Medigap Plans

When you retire or become disabled, you are entitled to Medicare insurance. However, Medicare alone will not cover all of your medical bills. It may actually leave you with hefty expenses that you cannot cover on your limited income.  To get these expenses covered, you need to take out a Medigap policy. You can choose from among the best Medigap plans available to you by knowing what criteria to consider. Read More 

4 Benefits Of Using A Medicare Agent To Pick The Best Medical Insurance Plan

When you are letting go of regular medical insurance and transitioning to Medicare, it can be a lot to take in. A medicare agent can help make this transition as seamless as possible. Here is a look at how.  1. Get a better understanding of Medicare as a whole.  Understanding Medicare can be a little tough in the beginning. You are taking on a new type of medical insurance during a period when you may be facing a lot of changes, such as retiring from your job or even relocating. Read More 

Over Here, Over There: How To Make The Most Of Family Health Plans

Two-parent working homes often have access to two insurance plans provided by employers. Even if one employer only provides a stipend for employees to purchase insurance on "the exchange," there are still extra options here. Do you insure your whole family under this plan or that one? Should your spouse bear the full burden of the insurance for everyone, or does it make better financial sense to put the kids on a different plan? Read More